The Issue of Human Resources Aging in the Education System


  • Madalina-Ioana Ratiu „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Aging, human resources, education, teaching staff, aging workforce, teachers and technology


In contemporary society, the problem of population aging and, related to it, the problem of human resources aging is raised more and more frequently. As documented by many researchers, it has been found that the aging changes occur at both physiological and psychosocial levels and affect each employee differently. When it comes to the educational environment, the aging of teaching staff represents an increased interest at the moment, especially in Romania, even more so in the context of a possible voluntary increase in the retirement age in education. In the first part of this paper, we will carry out a review of the most relevant academic findings in relation to the challenges that arise with the aging of human resources in general and those in education, in particular. Afterwards, we will present possible openings for future research, such as those on the impact of the proposed voluntary extension of the retirement age in the education system in Romania. We will conclude with a series of practical considerations related to the challenges that the management of human resources in education will likely face under the pressure of the mentioned impactto de la investigación, responsabilidad social y desarrollo de proyectos.


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How to Cite

Ratiu, M.-I. (2023). The Issue of Human Resources Aging in the Education System. ESI Preprints, 19, 647. Retrieved from


