Career Progression of Women: Does Work Life Balance Matter?


  • Emmanuel Essandoh Essandoh University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Isaac Tetteh Kwao University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Barbara Arthur Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Ghana University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Doris Akalachiba Asandem University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Emmanuel Agyenim Boateng University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Work Life Balance Practices, Career Progression, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP), Ghana


Purpose-The study empirically examined the influence of work-life balance practices on Career Progression of Women at Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP). Design, methodology/approachGiven the reliance on explanatory research design, the study utilized structured questionnaire for gathering the primary data quantitatively from 209 randomly selected participants. A second-order model was configured in SMART PLS for testing of the directional hypotheses formulated. FindingsWork-life balance practices have a moderate significant positive predictor on both career goal progress and promotion speed. However, it significantly predicts a weak positive variance in professional development ability of career progression. Research limitations- The study was limited to only female MoGCSP employees, and this may restrict the degree of generalizability to other ministries of the government of Ghana. Practical implication- The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection through its agency, must continually provide a favourable work life balance practices for its female staff as this would in order to make female workers happy, satisfied and progressed in the various careers. Originality/valueEmpirically, the study enriches the theoretical understanding of how worklife balance if properly managed would affect female workers in progression in their career even in a masculine context as established by the role theory in Sub-Saharan country-context.


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How to Cite

Essandoh, E. E., Kwao, I. T., Arthur, B., Asandem, D. A., & Boateng, E. A. (2023). Career Progression of Women: Does Work Life Balance Matter?. ESI Preprints, 18, 222. Retrieved from


