Perspectives and Challenges of the Labor Market in the City of Escárcega: Supply and Demand


  • Guadalupe Lopez Vazquez Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
  • Deysi Mumenthey Aguirre Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
  • Hania Naomi Barraza Gonzales Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
  • Jonathan Alexis Molina Santos Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
  • Esmeralda Lopez Perez Tecnológico Nacional de México/ lTS de Escárcega


Supply, Demand, Labor market, Workers


The labor market consists of two parts: supply refers to the availability of jobs and employment opportunities in an economy, and demand refers to the number of people willing to work in a specific area or sector that are related to various factors such as employee productivity, wages, and labor law. The objective of this research is to identify the balance between labor supply and demand, as well as to know the current situation within the labor market in the city of Escárcega. For this reason, a quantitative method with a descriptive approach was used, where a questionnaire with a Lickert scale was used as an instrument, applied to a sample of companies in the retail trade sector, where the results of each one could be obtained, representing them through graphs. It was concluded that the majority of the companies surveyed believe that the jobs they offer meet the local demand for employment and meet the necessary requirements. Although there is a small percentage of positions that do not always meet these requirements. The diversity of companies in the city provides varied job options, allowing people to choose between different work alternatives. In particular, the food sector is perceived as the most in demand, although there are opportunities in other sectors as well. In conclusion, there are positions available in retail companies due to the high demand for employment in this sector.


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How to Cite

Lopez Vazquez, G., Aguirre, D. M., Barraza Gonzales, H. N., Molina Santos, J. A., & Lopez Perez, E. (2024). Perspectives and Challenges of the Labor Market in the City of Escárcega: Supply and Demand. ESI Preprints, 29, 528. Retrieved from


